Are you weak?

Do you react based off of logic? Or do you react based off of emotion?

Good Morning Everyone,

Genuine question for you, what happens in your mind when you’re faced with minor setbacks? Think of trivial scenarios like some douche bag cutting you off and slamming the brakes, or maybe the wifi in your home is being spotty. Do you feel that your first reaction is justified? Hold that answer in your head.

Now, turn the intensity up. Imagine a more intense situation. Say, you’ve been waiting on a promotion for two years and your manager calls you up; you get all excited. You answer the call, and your excitement fades as she pretty much tells you to kick rocks. How do you react?

Do you react based off of logic? Or do you react based off of emotion?

Imagine you’re working hard. You’re putting the effort. At the first go around, your idea doesn’t pan out as expected. You get in your feelings, and let them sway your decisions. You start doubting yourself and wondering if it’s even worth it at this point. What did you accomplish?

The reality is that most think they react logically, but subconsciously react emotionally. You need to remember that you’re on a journey. A journey towards personal growth, and higher achievement. Setbacks and obstacles are inevitable, no matter how big or small. It’s natural to have emotional reactions towards things, but you need to control those emotions and act using logic. What truly defines you as a person is not your immediate success. What defines you is your character, resilience, and ability to bounce back and keep pushing forward.

Only two lessons for today, no excuses not to learn and execute.

  1. Embrace failure as a learning opportunity📚 Failing doesn’t mean you’re a failure; it means you’re growing. Each failure is a lesson, that if learned will move you one step closer to success. Reflect on where you f’d up, analyze your mistakes, and correct what needs correcting. You don’t fail until you give up.

  2. Persistence is a mindset 💪 Instead of giving up at the first sign of hardship, cultivate a mindset that thrives on adversity. You are the only one who can believe in your ability wholeheartedly to overcome obstacles and stay committed to your goals. If not you, who else? You will be surprised at how much progress you’re able to make by adopting a ‘never give up’ attitude.

Without this mindset, you will not make it in life. Life was not designed to be easy. If you pull your car off the road for every speed bump because you’re scared to go over them, how far will you go? Persistence is the key to pulling back the curtain on what’s truly possible in this life. If you’re willing to try one more time than the other person (which isn’t a high bar, believe me), your success is just around the corner.

You don’t fail until you fail to believe in yourself. Keep your head up, and keep moving forward.

Derick, The Founder’s Frontier

P.S. If you’re struggling to scale your business, don’t quit. All you need is a little push. Find out more here.

How did today’s lessons make you feel?

Do you know someone who could use a little push? Forward this to them and be the change they need in life.