The truth hurts, and you need to stop running from it.

Do you seek truth in your life? Or do you seek to bend the truth in your favor? It sounds like a stupid questions and I bet most of you would say “Of course I seek the truth.” To that, I say you’re lying to yourself.

Good Morning,

Do you seek truth in your life? Or do you seek to bend the truth in your favor? It sounds like a stupid questions and I bet most of you would say “Of course I seek the truth.” To that, I say you’re lying to yourself.

The sad reality is that a lot of you would rather skirt the entire truth, and cherry pick what suits your desires and lifestyle. Which are you?

A study performed by Christoph Randler found that morning people tend to be more proactive and successful in their careers compared to night owls.

How did you react mentally to reading that sentence? Did you accept that truth? Did it cross your mind for a second that maybe if you wake up earlier in the morning it would put you at an advantage?

Or did you immediately jump to trying to justify how that study doesn’t apply to you for reasons X, Y, and Z. Think about your reasons. Are they legitimate?

Now, I’m not discrediting night owls by any means. But if you’re working towards your goals, wouldn’t you want to do everything in your power to put yourself ahead?

If you truly desire personal growth and success, it’s 100% essential to prioritize truth over temporary satisfaction. Embracing the truth, even when it’s uncomfortable, paves the way for authentic progress and lasting fulfillment.

Here are your three lessons for the day.

  1. Be honest with yourself 🧐 You can’t build on a foundation of lies. Reflect on your strengths, weaknesses, and values. Where do you need to improve? Be willing and ready to accept criticism. Practice self-awareness. Look yourself in the mirror, and ask the tough questions. See how he or she answers. Build a foundation based on truth that promotes growth and meaningful change.

  2. Embrace curiosity and critical thinking 💬 Be curious. Actively question not only your assumptions and beliefs, but also what you encounter in the real world. Investigate different perspectives and seek evidence to support your conclusions. Never blindly jump on the bandwagon.

  3. Surround yourself with truth-seekers 🌟 You are the average of the five people you hang out with. Your circle has a significant impact on your mindset and behavior. Surround yourself with individuals who prioritize truth, authenticity, and personal growth. (Another hard truth, who do you surround yourself with?)

The pursuit of truth is not comfortable by any means. But remember, comfort leads to complacency, and complacency is the enemy of growth. Be willing to make the necessary changes, regardless of how you feel or how hard it is. It is through this dedication, that you will find lasting satisfaction and unlock your potential.

Keep moving forward.

Derick, The Founder’s Frontier

P.S. The truth is, you’ve been lied to your entire life. You don’t need to finish college to get rich. You also don’t need a massive windfall, or vast connections. Learn how I did it here.

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