Transform Your Inner Circle: Skyrocket Your Success with Strategic Networking

This photo has nothing to do with today’s content, but I’m about to run some ads and I’m very proud of these creations. They should be going live by Friday.

Happy Thursday Y’all,

Obligatory, I hope everyone’s week is going well so far. Two quick things, first I heard this quote. And by the way, I’m not sure if you all are liking the daily quotes so far so if you do (or don’t) like the daily quotes please respond to this email your thoughts. Anyways this one really isn’t a quote since I don’t exactly know the source of it but I heard someone say to me today that, “Everyday is a winning day, it just depends on how much I’ve won.” This kind of ties back to our emails from yesterday and Monday, but keeping your mindset tough is critical for success. Just some food for thought.

With the weekend coming up, here's something some of you might find insightful (hopefully, if not tell me what y’all want me to write about). Build a strong network of people to grow with. As previously discussed, this aspect is often overlooked by many individuals. As Jim Rohn once said, "You are the average of the five people you hang around with." Now, networking doesn’t mean go out to the clubs and try to start businesses with every Joe Shmoe you meet. But you need to be intentional with your decisions on who you decide to associate yourself with. It's essential to carefully vet your team. Personal growth through learning from others is a key aspect of networking. By exposing yourself to diverse perspectives and experiences, you can draw inspiration and knowledge for your entrepreneurial journey. Connecting with others allows you to learn from their successes and failures, while also enhancing your reputation and credibility. Establishing relationships with professionals and showcasing your expertise helps build credibility within your industry. A strong reputation can attract new customers, partners, and even investors who are more likely to trust you based on the positive feedback from your network.

Take a minute while you’re on your way to work today to evaluate your group. Are you surrounded by Winners? If not, forward this email to them and tell them to subscribe 😉 Remember, the quality of your network can significantly impact your entrepreneurial success. If you're interested in learning more about networking strategies, we've just posted an article on this topic yesterday. Check it out here: Invest time in cultivating meaningful relationships and see the difference it makes in your business journey.

That's pretty much it for today. Go out there and conquer the Earth.


Derick, The Founder’s Frontier

Oh, btw this Friday, we'll be giving away a super simple business idea to help kickstart your entrepreneurial journey (and not another cookie cutter e-commerce store, I promise). It's perfect for anyone looking to take their first steps into the world of entrepreneurship without breaking the bank. In the meantime be sure to check out the Starting a Business section on our website for our free Startup Launch Checklist.