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🏔️ Say Goodbye to the Hamster Wheel: Master the Art of Prioritization 🚀

Learn to Prioritize, Daily Motivation, Gift Card Giveaway, News, and More

Happy Thursday Y’all,

How many of you feel like you’re running 100mph engine at redline every single day, but feel like you barely inch forward on the progress bar? Working on your business day in and day out but can’t seem to get traction? Studying for days before a test but still can’t seem to pass? You might’ve fallen into the trap of The Busy Fool.

Now you’re probably wondering what the heck is a busy fool. The Busy Fool is like that one friend who spends hours organizing their Netflix watchlist but never actually watches anything. Sure, they're keeping themselves occupied, but they're not making any significant headway.

So, how do we avoid falling into the Busy Fool trap? It's simple: Prioritize! Just like a smart investor picks the best stocks for their portfolio, we have to choose the best tasks for ourselves as well. Ask yourself, "What tasks will make a real impact in my day?"

Start by figuring out what truly matters and focus on those tasks first. Should I waste 3 days picking a logo for my business or should I work on more boring things like pricing structure or market research? Should I spend five hours writing flash cards for vocabulary words, or should I go through and answer practice test questions in the book? These sound like stupid examples but it’s all true. Think about a moment in your life where you were in a similar situation, most of us (myself included) would be guilty of falling into the busy fool trap at one point or another. The next time you find yourself buried in a pile of tasks, pause and ask, "Am I being productive or just busy?"

Keep it real, and stay focused on what matters. You got this!

~Derick, The Founder’s Frontier

This quote is unrelated but I thought it was good.

Today’s piece of motivation and insight is brought to you by Inglasa, the easy way to build your business.

Weekly Giveaway

Just a reminder, every Friday we will be selecting one lucky subscriber to win a $25 gift card for the establishment of his or her choice (Amazon or Starbucks) there are two ways to win:

  1. Be a subscriber, your email will be entered into a pot.

  2. Share this email with friends, family, your coworkers, literally anyone and have them subscribe using this link: https://foundersfrontier.beehiiv.com/subscribe. If they win, you BOTH will get your own $25 gift card of your choice (Amazon, eBay, Chipotle, Starbucks)! The more friends you have subscribed the more chances you have of winning.

Weekly Challenge Accountability

Here's the challenge: Each day, take a few minutes to write down three things you're grateful for. It doesn’t matter if you write it on a sticky note, the back of an old receipt, your phone, etc. just write it somewhere. It could be/ as simple as a delicious meal, the beauty of nature, or the company of loved ones. The goal is to shift our focus towards the positive aspects of our lives and help us appreciate what we have.

My Results:

  1. Had to go to the airport early this morning, the sunrise was breathtaking

  2. Had a coffee on the beach while I was checking emails and the sound of the waves crashing back and forth was surreal

  3. Had a normal gym day but still very appreciative of where I am.

Memes For The Self Employed All

Daily Headliners

(and if you should care or not)

Sales: The Best Job for Aspiring Entrepreneurs in 2023

  1. Sales skills are essential for entrepreneurs as they help generate revenue, build relationships, secure funding, and lead teams effectively.

  2. Improving sales skills can be achieved through learning from experts, reading books, attending workshops, seeking mentorship, and practicing regularly.

  3. Sales skills contribute to various aspects of entrepreneurship, including decision-making, problem-solving, and effective leadership, fostering a positive working environment.

Read the article here. 

Should you care about this? Yes. Especially if you want to break away from the 9-5 lifestyle. Personally, I believe most successful entrepreneurs are stellar salespeople.

Banks in ‘more precarious situation’ creating risks for global growth, IMF chief economist warns

  • Banks are facing higher costs and losses on some assets, putting them in a “more precarious situation” and potentially leading to a pull-back in lending, IMF Chief Economist Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas told CNBC.

  • Significant further tightening of lending is a risk to its 2.8% global growth forecast, he said, taking it to 2.5% or even 1% in a severe downside scenario.

  • However central banks and financial authorities have shown they have the tools to address pockets of instability, he added, and should remain focused on bringing down inflation.

Read the article here.

Should you care about this? Yes 💸

Wall Street is wrong: Former PIMCO chief economist Paul McCulley predicts rate hikes will end next month

  1. Former PIMCO chief economist Paul McCulley believes that the Federal Reserve will stop hiking interest rates next month due to mounting economic pressures and barring a surprise jump in inflation.

  2. McCulley's forecast contradicts the recent CME Group estimate, which shows a 73% chance of a quarter-point interest rate hike in May.

  3. He suggests that as more deteriorating economic data and troubling activity in the Treasury market emerge, Wall Street will adjust its expectations, potentially leading to a healthier market with a re-sloped yield curve.

Read the article here.

Should you care about this? Yes, and no. The average person doesn’t need to follow interest rate decisions to the tee per se, but they should still be aware of the potential impacts on their personal finances such as mortgages, car loans, credit card rates, etc. But if you read this newsletter then chances are yes, yes you should care.

Share This With Your Network 🌎

Do you know someone who could use a little motivation and inspiration? Share the positivity and help empower others by forwarding this email to your friends, family, and colleagues!

Profitable Business Opportunity

Are you looking for a profitable, established business to invest in? Golden Hour Gatherings is up for sale! This thriving venture has a strong track record, and now you have the opportunity to take the reins. South Florida buyers are preferred. To learn more about this exciting business opportunity, visit the Golden Hour Gatherings website. Ready to take the next step? Reach out to [email protected] for more information. Don't miss out on this unique chance to own a successful business!