⛰️Do Your Best Today for a Better Tomorrow 🚀

An update on Elon's latest endeavor, some real good life advice, a quote, and why you need to be carrying two phones

Good Mornin’ Everyone.

Rise and shine y’all, we’re starting the week off strong. Here’s what you can expect from us today:

  • A reminder of the mindset you already probably have but overlook, in the form of a quote

  • Five Things That You Need To Implement Into Your Daily Life Asap.

  • Giveaway Details

  • Elon Musk is up to something, and you need to be carrying two cellphones.

  • The end of CEOs?

I want you all to think of your dreams as a thrilling journey you're about to embark on. Your actions today are the stepping stones that pave the way to a brighter future. I made a list of the five things all entrepreneurs, or anyone with goals really, need to implement into their daily lives.

First, is to seize the moment it sounds cliche, but sometimes we get lost in our worries about the future or regrets from the past. The thing is, all the important sh💩t happens in the present. I want you to focus on today, and your future will take shape, one step at a time.

Piggy backing off of that, take it one step at a time. Again, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Success isn’t built overnight. Break down your goals into bite-sized tasks, and work consistently in small bursts to get things done.

Third thing is to maintain your fuel for growth. All that means is DO NOT STOP BELIEVING IN YOUR ABILITY TO LEARN AND EVOLVE. This is probably the most important piece of advice often overlooked by others. Embrace the challenges, draw the lessons from your setbacks, and always be looking for a way to improve. If you’re the person that thinks they know everything, chances are you probably know nothing. This mindset will keep you moving forward, even when the going gets rough.

Another overlooked piece of advice is to take care of yourself. Obviously prioritize your goals in life but don’t forget about yourself and your well-being. Make sure you’re getting sleep, eating right, going to the gym, and taking breaks when needed. A well balanced life will give you the strength and energy to keep plowing forward.

And last but not least, celebrate every win. First sale with a profit of $1? Celebrate it. First 10 organic followers on Instagram? Celebrate it. Approved for Google AdSense? celebrate it. Obviously don’t abuse this and throw a party for registering your llc with the state, but it’s important to recognize small victories and remember that others may make them out to be small and meaningless but in the grand scheme of things you are one step closer to reaching your goals.

Anyways, hurry up and finish reading the rest of this so you can get off your phone and tackle your day.

~Derick, The Founder's Frontier

Today's dose of motivation and insight is fueled by Jake's Garage South Florida, your go-to specialists for on-site window tinting and auto detailing excellence.

Weekly Giveaway

Just a reminder, every Friday we will be selecting one lucky subscriber to win a $25 gift card for the establishment of his or her choice (Amazon or Starbucks) there are two ways to win:

  1. Be a subscriber, your email will be entered into a pot.

  2. Share this email with friends, family, your coworkers, literally anyone and have them subscribe using this link: https://foundersfrontier.beehiiv.com/subscribe. If they win, you BOTH will get your own $25 gift card of your choice (Amazon, eBay, Chipotle, Starbucks)! The more friends you have subscribed the more chances you have of winning.

Interesting Stuff You Should Check Out

Elon Musk is up to something…

Twitter is teaming up with eToro to let users trade stocks and assets right on the platform, making it more like a "super app" that offers multiple services, kind of like China’s WeChat.

Read the article here. 

If you’re doing anything more than working a regular 9-5 job, get a second phone.

Do yourself a favor and separate your work from home life. Also having two screens just makes life so much easier, dual monitor users pls confirm. With unlimited data plans being so cheap now ($25/month) it seems ridiculous not to at least try it out.

Read the article here.

Is this the end of CEOs as we know it?

stolen from r/stockmarket

Profitable Business Opportunity

Are you looking for a profitable, established business to invest in? Golden Hour Gatherings is up for sale! This thriving venture has a strong track record, and now you have the opportunity to take the reins. South Florida buyers are preferred. To learn more about this exciting business opportunity, visit the Golden Hour Gatherings website. Ready to take the next step? Reach out to [email protected] for more information. Don't miss out on this unique chance to own a successful business!+

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